Hugin works quite nicely for stitching panoramas, but stacking isn't really its forte. I have not been able to find anything that runs directly on MacOS that produces nearly as good of results, or is nearly as easy to use (for this task). For me, choosing between Windows and MacOS is mostly a matter of picking what works better. In this article, we have discussed the different software that is available to post-process the stacked image to obtain a compelling image of the night sky. I'm relatively OS-agnostic - I have two Macs (a 24" iMac and a now rather elderly Macbook). Stacking astrophotography images is only the first step in the lengthy astrophotography editing process.
I am reasonably certain there is not currently any free (in either sense) software for stacking that runs directly on MacOS and is anywhere close to as good as CombineZP. Pre-processing softwares help to get the image ready by registering, aligning and stacking, whereas the post processing software helps with bringing out the details from the pre-processed image.
CombineZP should run fine on an Intel Mac (after you get rid of OS/X and install Windows).Įdit: Since a lot of people seem to have missed the point and think this isn't helpful, let me try to put things more directly. Software: When it comes to software for astrophotography, there are pre-processing and post processing softwares.